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Mission Statement

Our mission is to inspire all students to be confident, passionate learners with the courage and skills to lead their lives with integrity, while contributing to our global community with creativity and compassion.

Current News

JGD Students Spread Sunshine to Mom

Third graders in Celeste Diogo’s class thumbnail258239
Third graders in Celeste Diogo’s class thumbnail258240
Third grader in Celeste Diogo’s class thumbnail258241
Third graders in Celeste Diogo’s class thumbnail258242
Third grader in Celeste Diogo’s class thumbnail258243

To show gratitude to their moms, third graders in Celeste Diogo’s class at John G. Dinkelmeyer Elementary School planted sunflowers and made a craft, which they brought home for Mother’s Day.

By planting sunflower seeds in cups of dirt, children got a hands-on lesson in the life cycle of plants. They kept the sprouting sunflowers on the classroom window sill, covered with plastic soda bottles to preserve moisture for the plants. Students and their moms will be able to transfer the plants to their home gardens.

They also made a sunflower craft out of paper plates, yellow strips of paper around the edge and crumpled up brown tissue paper in the center representing the seeds.

Date Added: 5/10/2024

Acceptance is the Theme for Autism Awareness Month

John G. Dinkelmeyer Elementary School celebrating Autism Awareness Week. thumbnail257543

Being different and unique is good. That was the message for students at John G. Dinkelmeyer Elementary School in the North Bellmore School District as they mark Autism Awareness Month.  


On April 2, designated as World Autism Awareness Day by the United Nations, all students and staff were encouraged to wear blue. The color symbolizes autism awareness because of its association with calmness and acceptance. Since a resolution was adopted by the U.N. General Assembly in 2007, the day has moved beyond awareness to also promote acceptance and appreciation of autistic people, and to celebrate their contributions to society. 


First grade teacher Kelly Navin read to her class “My Friend Has Autism” by Amanda Doering Tourville about two boys. She noted that the message of the book is that all children have differences from each other but also have similarities, as the two children in the story formed a strong friendship over their love of airplanes.  


After reading the book, students went back to their desks and completed “I am special” worksheets, reflecting on their own unique qualities and interests.  


In second grade, teacher Cindy Quinn read “My Brother Charlie” by Holly Robinson Peete, about a boy who has autism. Told through the lens of his sister, it highlights the boy’s many abilities. Ms. Quinn said that autism is a spectrum and people are affected by it in different ways. She also noted that every person, autistic or not, has strengths and challenges.   


Fourth graders in Page Powers’ class saw a slideshow about the experiences of individuals with autism, then created an acceptance bulletin board in the hallway. Each student colored a piece for a mosaic poster of hands encircling a globe. On puzzle pieces, a symbol that has long represented autism awareness, students wrote ways they can make a positive difference in school and in their community.


Click here to view the photo slideshow.

Date Added: 4/18/2024

Seven Great Educators Receive Tenure in North Bellmore

North Bellmore tenure recipients. thumbnail257492
North Bellmore tenure recipients. thumbnail257493

Becoming a great teacher or administrator is not achieved alone, North Bellmore School District Superintendent Marie Testa noted at the annual tenure celebration on April 11. It requires a great support system of family and colleagues.

Seven great educators earned the professional milestone after completing their probationary periods, and were recognized before a large audience of administrators, teachers, students, family members and friends. The tenure recipients included five teachers – Melissa Halaris, Maritza Lopez, Daniela McGee, Kim Rackley and Alexander Roff – and central office administrators Denise Fisher and Leyna Malone.

Ms. Fisher first joined the district as assistant principal at Saw Mill Road Elementary School, then became Newbridge Road Elementary School’s principal before moving into her current position as executive director of personnel. She oversees a human resources department that serves 660 employees. Ms. Testa described her as brave and kind, someone who strongly believes in the district’s mission and core values, and a person who quietly lifts up everyone around her.

When Ms. Fisher went to Newbridge, Ms. Malone was hired as assistant principal of Saw Mill Road. She then became principal of Martin Avenue, and then the executive director for pupil personnel services and special education. It’s one of the most challenging jobs in the district, Ms. Testa explained, and requires a strong knowledge of legal requirements. The superintendent said that Ms. Malone’s kindness and strong advocacy for both students and teachers is what has led to her success.

North Bellmore Teachers Association President Joann Signorelli congratulated the five teachers who received tenure. There were also remarks from their building principals and colleagues.

Mr. Roff teaches general music at Martin Avenue and Newbridge Road, with Ms. Lopez spreading her love for music at Saw Mill Road. John G. Dinkelmeyer Elementary School boasts Ms. Rackley in fourth grade and Ms. Halaris in fifth grade, while Ms. McGee is a speech therapist at Newbridge Road.

North Bellmore Board of Education President Christine Malloy added that the tenure celebration is her favorite meeting of the year because they get to recognize the district’s amazing teachers and administrators.

Date Added: 4/17/2024




JGD Students Raise Money for Healthy Hearts

dinklemeyer students thumbnail257309

Students at John G. Dinkelmeyer Elementary School supported healthy hearts for themselves and others by participating in the Kids Hearts Challenge. The school raised $565 for the American Heart Association.

Physical education teacher Jim Mulvey spearheaded the initiative. During their P.E. classes, students took part in various basketball competitions including Around the World, Challenger Champ and one-on-one contests. They asked family and friends to make donations for the American Heart Association.

“They did a great job,” Mr. Mulvey said. “We’re trying to build health and wellness for life.”

Date Added: 4/12/2024

JGD Student Teachers Embrace Giving Spirit

John G. Dinkelmeyer Elementary School students thumbnail256571
John G. Dinkelmeyer Elementary School students thumbnail256572

A pair of aspiring teachers are inspiring students to help others at John G. Dinkelmeyer Elementary School. Student teacher Ryan Catalano and student observer Sarah Enderle both spearheaded community service projects that were quickly embraced by the Dinkelmeyer community.

Mr. Catalano and Ms. Enderle both took on passion projects as part of their participation in the graduate elementary education program at Molloy University. At Dinkelmeyer, where students embrace the district’s mission statement of “contributing to our global community with creativity and compassion,” they found willing participants.

Fifth graders donated new and used sports equipment to a drive run by Mr. Catalano, a sports enthusiast. Over two weeks, they filled two large boxes with bats, balls, sticks, protective gear and more for multiple sports.

“So many students got on board and were super excited to participate,” said Mr. Catalano, a student teacher in Melissa Halaris’ class for seven weeks. “It was a great opportunity for them to learn about the needs of other children around the world.”

The items will be given to Game Changers New York and shipped to low-income and high-needs communities across the globe.

“It felt good to donate because it’s going to help other kids around the world that don’t have the money to buy this equipment,” said David Holmes, who donated several items include a basketball, baseball bats, helmets and shin guards.

“Just letting other kids play different sports, it makes me feel like I’m giving something to someone,” added Jake Duverneau, who contributed a football and handball.

Ms. Enderle’s project was to collect new and gently used books for The Book Fairies, a nonprofit organization based in Freeport that redistributes reading materials to under-resourced communities on Long Island. She is a student observer in Stephanie Meehan’s kindergarten class, and children from Dinkelmeyer’s three kindergarten classes were invited to donate.

“I’ve always really liked reading and I think every kid should have access to books,” Ms. Enderle said.

Date Added: 3/22/2024