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Our mission is to inspire all students to be confident, passionate learners with the courage and skills to lead their lives with integrity, while contributing to our global community with creativity and compassion.

Current News

VIDEO: Newbridge Road Turns 100

VIDEO: Newbridge Road Turns 100 thumbnail257645

North Bellmore has a long history of providing students with a quality education, dating back to the 1800s. One-room, two-room and eight-room wood-frame schoolhouses were home to students for decades.

The district’s first modern school, the red-brick Newbridge Road Elementary School, was built in 1924, and expanded over the years to support growing enrollment. The initial building consisted of eight classrooms and an all-purpose room. The building has continuously operated for a century, and for years was the district’s lone school until Martin Avenue and Waltoffer Avenue (John G. Dinkelmeyer) opened in the late 1940s.

In advance of the 100th anniversary celebration on May 3, please enjoy our video capturing the history and mission of a storied school that has educated students for generations.

Date Added: 5/1/2024

Seven Great Educators Receive Tenure in North Bellmore

North Bellmore tenure recipients. thumbnail257492
North Bellmore tenure recipients. thumbnail257493

Becoming a great teacher or administrator is not achieved alone, North Bellmore School District Superintendent Marie Testa noted at the annual tenure celebration on April 11. It requires a great support system of family and colleagues.

Seven great educators earned the professional milestone after completing their probationary periods, and were recognized before a large audience of administrators, teachers, students, family members and friends. The tenure recipients included five teachers – Melissa Halaris, Maritza Lopez, Daniela McGee, Kim Rackley and Alexander Roff – and central office administrators Denise Fisher and Leyna Malone.

Ms. Fisher first joined the district as assistant principal at Saw Mill Road Elementary School, then became Newbridge Road Elementary School’s principal before moving into her current position as executive director of personnel. She oversees a human resources department that serves 660 employees. Ms. Testa described her as brave and kind, someone who strongly believes in the district’s mission and core values, and a person who quietly lifts up everyone around her.

When Ms. Fisher went to Newbridge, Ms. Malone was hired as assistant principal of Saw Mill Road. She then became principal of Martin Avenue, and then the executive director for pupil personnel services and special education. It’s one of the most challenging jobs in the district, Ms. Testa explained, and requires a strong knowledge of legal requirements. The superintendent said that Ms. Malone’s kindness and strong advocacy for both students and teachers is what has led to her success.

North Bellmore Teachers Association President Joann Signorelli congratulated the five teachers who received tenure. There were also remarks from their building principals and colleagues.

Mr. Roff teaches general music at Martin Avenue and Newbridge Road, with Ms. Lopez spreading her love for music at Saw Mill Road. John G. Dinkelmeyer Elementary School boasts Ms. Rackley in fourth grade and Ms. Halaris in fifth grade, while Ms. McGee is a speech therapist at Newbridge Road.

North Bellmore Board of Education President Christine Malloy added that the tenure celebration is her favorite meeting of the year because they get to recognize the district’s amazing teachers and administrators.

Date Added: 4/17/2024




Newbridge Posters Promote Inclusion

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The values of acceptance and inclusion are strong in the hearts of Newbridge Road Elementary School fifth graders. They put their feelings on display outside of their classrooms with colorful posters.

Two books inspired students, “Just Ask” by Sonia Sotomayor and “Out of My Mind” by Sharon Draper. They took the lessons from these books and created posters with inspirational messages about acceptance, friendship, inclusion and kindness. Students emphasized that their differences and unique qualities should be celebrated and valued.

“Everyone should be included, no matter who they are and what they do,” fifth grader Nicholas Schlitz said.

Teachers Karen Barrins and Michelle Hooker were proud that their students internalized the lessons from the books and proactively shared these messages with their fellow Newbridge Road students. Principal Amanda Licci added that it was very rewarding to see students make connections with books and come away with important life lessons. She added that the posters support the school’s motto, “Newbridge has HEART,” as the “A” stands for acceptance.

Date Added: 4/8/2024

Newbridge Road Dog Supply Drive Fetching Donations

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Helping others is the mission of the student council at Newbridge Road Elementary School, but once in a while, they extend their generosity to four-legged friends.

Student leaders decided to collect supplies for dogs as their March community service project. The drive runs from March 4-22 to support BARRK Long Island, an animal rescue and rehab organization.

Newbridge Road student and staff can donate blankets, dog beds, leashes, towels, toys and more. A donation box was placed in the lobby and Principal Amanda Licci said it was filled within a week so they had to put out another one.

Student council members worked hard to promote the dog supply drive. During the March spirit assembly for the entire school, third grader Aarnav Ranga, fourth grader Sylvia Tarr, fifth grader Sean Burke and sixth grader Samantha Novoni did a presentation about the service project. They spoke about BARRK’s mission and the donations that were being requested. Student leaders also made posters that were placed around the school.

Date Added: 3/14/2024