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Our mission is to inspire all students to be confident, passionate learners with the courage and skills to lead their lives with integrity, while contributing to our global community with creativity and compassion.

Current News

Park Avenue Sixth Graders Look Back and Ahead

Park Avenue Elementary School sixth grade ambassadors. thumbnail257640
Park Avenue Elementary School sixth grade ambassadors. thumbnail257641
Park Avenue Elementary School sixth grade ambassadors. thumbnail257642

With their seven years at Park Avenue Elementary School nearing an end, sixth grade ambassadors reflected on the good times and looked forward to opportunities ahead at the North Bellmore School District Board of Education meeting on April 11.

Each monthly meeting begins with a presentation from sixth grade students, rotating among the five elementary schools. With two and a half months to go until graduation, Park Avenue students Arya Chandhok, Christian DeAngelo, Christopher Prill and Madison Scholl took few moments to share memories and ambitions.

Madison recounted being in kindergarten, when their sixth grade buddies would visit the room to read to them and do activities together. Now, she and her classmates are role models for their kindergarten buddies.

Christopher looked back fondly on his “nice and kind teachers” and the special memories like assemblies and field trips. Thinking ahead, he is excited for middle school where he will change classes, have a locker and join clubs. He also feels ready for more challenging work.

Christian said he feels prepared for middle school, both because of the foundation he received at Park Avenue, and lessons from his older sister, who’s now in high school.

“I’m looking forward to being in school with my Park Avenue friends but also meeting new friends,” he said.

As they prepare for the next step, the Park Promise is what stands out for Arya. She will always carry with her the virtues of strong character, like respecting others, making good choices and appreciating each other’s differences. Arya said she and her classmates have the tools to be good citizens.

Date Added: 4/22/2024

Seven Great Educators Receive Tenure in North Bellmore

North Bellmore tenure recipients. thumbnail257492
North Bellmore tenure recipients. thumbnail257493

Becoming a great teacher or administrator is not achieved alone, North Bellmore School District Superintendent Marie Testa noted at the annual tenure celebration on April 11. It requires a great support system of family and colleagues.

Seven great educators earned the professional milestone after completing their probationary periods, and were recognized before a large audience of administrators, teachers, students, family members and friends. The tenure recipients included five teachers – Melissa Halaris, Maritza Lopez, Daniela McGee, Kim Rackley and Alexander Roff – and central office administrators Denise Fisher and Leyna Malone.

Ms. Fisher first joined the district as assistant principal at Saw Mill Road Elementary School, then became Newbridge Road Elementary School’s principal before moving into her current position as executive director of personnel. She oversees a human resources department that serves 660 employees. Ms. Testa described her as brave and kind, someone who strongly believes in the district’s mission and core values, and a person who quietly lifts up everyone around her.

When Ms. Fisher went to Newbridge, Ms. Malone was hired as assistant principal of Saw Mill Road. She then became principal of Martin Avenue, and then the executive director for pupil personnel services and special education. It’s one of the most challenging jobs in the district, Ms. Testa explained, and requires a strong knowledge of legal requirements. The superintendent said that Ms. Malone’s kindness and strong advocacy for both students and teachers is what has led to her success.

North Bellmore Teachers Association President Joann Signorelli congratulated the five teachers who received tenure. There were also remarks from their building principals and colleagues.

Mr. Roff teaches general music at Martin Avenue and Newbridge Road, with Ms. Lopez spreading her love for music at Saw Mill Road. John G. Dinkelmeyer Elementary School boasts Ms. Rackley in fourth grade and Ms. Halaris in fifth grade, while Ms. McGee is a speech therapist at Newbridge Road.

North Bellmore Board of Education President Christine Malloy added that the tenure celebration is her favorite meeting of the year because they get to recognize the district’s amazing teachers and administrators.

Date Added: 4/17/2024




Park Avenue Buddies Bond Over Animals and Books

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Hedgehogs may be found on the other side of the world, but kindergartners at Park Avenue Elementary School still enjoyed learning about the small, spiny mammals.

The youngsters in Anne Griffin’s class have been studying animal adaptations in both science and through a nonfiction reading unit. They recently welcomed their sixth grade buddies from Nicole Giusto’s class to make hedgehog crafts.

The sixth graders helped their young friends color their paper-plate hedgehogs, glue on eyes, make cuts along its back to represent the spines and write one of several facts they learned about the animals. Coincidentally, the sixth graders also happen to be in the midst of an animal survival unit in science, so it make for a great bonding experience.

After completing the crafts, Ms. Griffin’s and Ms. Giusto’s students read books together, with each student taking a turn to share a story.

Click here to view the photo slideshow.

Date Added: 4/2/2024

Emerging Readers and Writers Get a Strong Foundation

Students in Class Raising Their Hands. thumbnail256486
Student at the Board in classroom. thumbnail256487
Students in class. thumbnail256488

Helping their students develop a thorough understanding of letters, sounds, words and linguistic patterns is a process that teachers take seriously in the North Bellmore School District. They recognize that the ability to read, write, listen and speak is central to knowledge acquisition in all other areas.

Alexa Laskowitz, a first grade teacher at Park Avenue Elementary School, makes sure that significant time each day is devoted to language development. Her classroom is an example of how early childhood literacy instruction takes place across the district, using numerous resources and techniques.

North Bellmore uses the Heggerty phonemic awareness program, a listening-based approach to help students hear and identify different sounds. Students make chopping motions for each sound in a word, and even a one-syllable word can have three or four chops depending on the combination of letters. By seeing connections among words, consonant blends or vowel sounds, students become stronger spellers.

Ms. Laskowitz explained that they take this knowledge from their carpet meetings back to their desks to use in their reading and writing. A teacher-led lesson must be followed by opportunities for students to apply what they’ve learned, either through independent, partner or small-group activities.

“It’s been beneficial to them for both reading and writing,” she said. “It’s fun and the students enjoy learning.”

Fundations is another tool Ms. Laskowitz and her early elementary colleagues use for literacy development. The program focuses on written letters and words, and uses a research-based approach for instruction in reading, spelling and handwriting. She has a wall full of Fundations sound cards, with individual letters and letter combinations. Students become the teacher as they point to the different letters and blends to help spell out a word.

Ms. Laskowitz said that each lesson focuses on a specific language skill, such as closed-syllable words, which end in a consonant and have a short vowel sound, or open-syllable words which end in a vowel sound. During a recent class, she read “Fred the Frog” to her class, then had students go back to their desks and reread portions of the story on worksheets. They were tasked with marking any blends, closed syllables and bonus letters.

Using components of both Heggerty and Fundations has enhanced literacy instruction, Ms. Laskowitz added, and she is noticing the difference on iReady diagnostic assessments as well as her own evaluations of student progress.

Date Added: 3/20/2024